1What timezones Assistoo operates?
We operate in EMEA timezone, we also operate in US timezone.
2Will my VA be available to work on weekends?
Our VA are available Monday to Friday. On occasions and or projects, the VAs can be available on Saturday or Sunday for ME region.
3Who will train the VAs?
Our VAs are highly trained individuals but your will also train them in your processes and tools/software you are using.
4What education your VAs have?
Our VAs are highly skilled and educated from EU universities in Bachelor and Master degrees. They are also coming from industry background.
5How will the VA communicate with us?
The VA will communicate through you over a variety of software communication tools such as Teams, Zoom, Webex, Whatsapp, Email and your corporate communication tolls. Our VAs will be trained in using your software. We also utilize time management software.
6Is my information and data secure?
Yes. We consider all information related to your account as private and take significant measures to protect it. We have a multi-tiered approach to security, including IP restrictions, screen monitoring software, and the encryption of secure information. All employees handling client information sign non-disclosure agreements NDAs and are trained in data security.
7Can I have a trial period?
Yes, we provide a free trial period 4 hours after setup.
8How about reporting about tasks?
Your VA will be connected at all times with you and your organization. We also provide monthly reports on completed tasks.
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